Zucchini Ricotta Soup Recipe

Zucchini Ricotta Soup Recipe
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Two things coincided last week. My first zucchini from the garden (hurray!) and my daughter Sophie getting two wisdom teeth removed (not so hurray!). She had them yanked in Rome, where we live, and my husband Domenico picked her up directly from the dentist and brought her to Todi, in Umbria where I'd been spending the week at our country house. Knowing Sophie, I realized the main thing she would be worried about was what she was going to eat while recuperating. Sophie is, to put it mildly, a good eater. This means she not only eats a lot, but thinks about what she is going to eat and is very demanding when it comes to quality.  Anyway, by the time she arrived I knew she was going to be famished, since they hadn’t allowed her to eat since the night before. I knew I had to have something filling and delicious - but liquid - waiting for her.  My first zucchini from the garden provided the answer. Here follows the recipe for the soup she immediately slurped up. I knew I had to make it filling and feel like more than just baby food, so I added a heaping spoonful of sheep’s milk ricotta to each serving. I served it chilled (there is a heat wave going on here, and also Sophie couldn’t eat warm food) but I imagine it would be equally delicious warm.