What's The Better Food City: New York Or San Francisco?

New York has the best bagels in the States. We'd even go so far as to say they are probably the best bagels in the world.

In addition to its bagels, New York also has some really amazing pizza. Actually, New York has the best pizza in all of America.


New York's neighborhoods are as diverse as the dishes you'll find here, which means you can find anything from Créole food to the best Polish pierogi to traditional Italian food served family style.

A sandwich in New York City isn't called a hero for nothing; these sandwiches are what glory is made of.

But, San Francisco does have the oldest Chinatown in North America, which is pretty awesome, and has become a mecca for great food.

Another plus to San Francisco? Open container laws are pretty nonexistent in city parks.

A burrito in San Francisco is a sacred meal, and seriously, who doesn't love a burrito?

San Francisco sourdough. Enough said.