What Is Mongolian Cuisine?

Mongolia is a country that shares borders with both China and Russia. As such, Mongolian cuisine, though it has its own unique identity, is a cuisine that has been greatly influenced by Chinese cuisine and Russian cuisine.

Mongolia has very harsh and severe climates, and its food is very reflective of the environment. Mongolian cuisine concentrates on dairy products, meats, and animal fats. The animal fat that is a large component in Mongolian cuisine helps Mongolians to survive the extremely cold climates.

Additionally, many dishes in Mongolian cuisine are dishes that contain meat from, horses, camels, yaks, sheep, and goats, and other kinds of wild game as well as cattle. Mongolian cuisine often calls for meat that is often used in many soups and dumplings. The meat can also be dried for winter.

Common dishes in Mongolian cuisine include dumplings filled with meat (buuz) or other kinds of dumpling that are deep-fried in mutton fat (khuushuur). Noodle soups and dishes that combine meat with rice or fresh noodles into stews are also popular dishes in Mongolian cuisine.