Watch A Barista Paint Faces, Skylines In Coffee
We'll be honest; we've seen our fair share of coffee art, so much in fact that we're yawning at pretty flowers and rolling our eyes at scenic waves (lies. We're still super impressed). Still, adorable puppies pale in comparison to these portraits drawn by barista-slash-artist Mike Breach, behind the Baristart tumblr.
Tumblr took a look at the barista at work, creating this gorgeous video of Breach creating his signature portraits in lattes. So far in his repertoire: Flava Flav, Michael Jackson, and of course, Britney. Edward Scissorhands and Bob Marley have also made temporary appearances in his cups of coffee. "I kind of want to be like Willy Wonka with coffee, make it something interesting and fun for people, take the pretentiousness out of it, take the seriousness out of it," Breach tells Tumblr.
Check out the artist at work below, then start experimenting on your own. We've been feverishly scrolling through his Tumblr for a Ryan Gosling.