Umami Burger Creates Gross-Looking Pink Slime Burger
When Umami Burger isn't dishing out its classic burger with a Parmesan crisp (or $100 truffle and foie gras creations), the Los Angeles-based chain is creating things like the Pink Slime Burger (left). And it's definitely pink, slimy, and potentially tasty.
Courtesy of founder Adam Fleischman's kitchen, Grub Street reports that this scary concoction is actually just chicken liver mousse and something called Umami "spray jelly," a combination of the Umami spray (available for sale online) and gelatin. Somehow, we think if pink slime really were chicken liver mousse (instead of acid-treated scraps), food aficionados wouldn't really mind.
The burger, which tops an all-beef patty with the slime, will be available at Taste of the Nation Los Angeles June 10. Whether or not it'll pop up at Umami Burger locations (New York in 2012?) is yet to be seen, but making your own pink slime burgers would be a great way to kick off the barbecue season. Those little ones would love that.