Two Enemies Of Training Restaurant Employees
This video post is part of Sullivision on, a resource center for restaurants looking for service, leadership and sales-building techniques from industry expert and NRN columnist Jim Sullivan.
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There's nothing worse than "Teflon" training, or training that won't stick. Yet operators spend hundreds of hours and tens of thousands of dollars every year on training programs that don't connect with their teams. The reasons are varied, but often the program was not designed from a learner-centric point of view.
This short video (at left) from the DVD 60 Second Lessons in Leadership discusses how to get to the most from your training program design and delivery. You'll learn about the two common enemies of training — both in the classroom and outside of it — that cause most training programs to sputter or fail.
Once you know what the obstacles are to connecting with your trainees you can design and deliver more effective programs every single time.
Jim Sullivan is chief executive and founder of, which designs leadership, service and sales-building products, programs and services for the Top 200 restaurant and retail brands worldwide. Clients include McDonald's, American Express and Walt Disney Company. More information on Sullivision and its products and services can be found at
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