Write For The Daily Meal's Travel Page

You may snap a ton of photographs on your travels, but how often do you actually sit down and look through them? In this post-photo album age, the most effective way to make sure your memories of travel never leave you is by writing about them. If the travel memories you never want to let go of consist of food — and if you want to store them somewhere more permanent and more shareable than your diary — you are in the right place. The Daily Meal's Travel channel is looking for contributors.

We are currently accepting submissions for anything and everything related to food and travel, be it travel guides, personal narratives, photo essays, or an ode (in prose, please) to a particular dish at a particular dining establishment in a particular city that everyone who reads your article must add to her or his bucket list ASAP.

Unfortunately, we are unable to offer any monetary compensation for your writing. However, we will offer you press meals and press passes to events in your city. In other words, you get to eat delicious food for free and write about it. You might even get the chance to travel (on a jet plane!) for free.

Interested? Please email your pitches to TDMTravelEditor@gmail.com