3 Spring Break Destinations Where You Shouldn't Drink The Tap Water

When you're on a spring break vacation (or any vacation for that matter), the last thing you want is to spend an entire day in your hotel room, sick to your stomach — especially if you're on a short trip. Unfortunately, not all popular spring break destinations have the best purification systems and pipelines for clean tap water, and though it won't kill you to drink from the faucet, there are certain places where you shouldn't risk it. To be safe, avoid drinking the unfiltered tap water from these three countries:



Take it from someone who once had to spend a few hours in an urgent care clinic on a military base: You don't want to drink the tap water in Mexico. Although different sources will tell you it's fine to drink the water since it goes through a purification system, it usually becomes contaminated on its way to your tap, which isn't ideal for those with weak stomachs. Be sure to make the distinction at restaurants, too, otherwise you may be given water from the tap.



Most people in Cuba boil their water before drinking, as should you if you choose to spend your spring break in the island nation. It's not dangerous to drink from the tap, but it will likely upset your stomach. If you can't boil the water, most supermarkets will have bottled water that you can grab on the go.



During last year's Olympic Games the world discovered just how unsafe the water in Brazil is when athletes quickly became ill. Because of the heat, however, you'll definitely need to stay hydrated, so pick up a case of water bottles to keep in your hotel room, or to have while you're out and about.