11 Bizarre Beverage Flavors You Never Knew Existed (Slideshow)
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Pepsi White
Don't let the name fool you. This isn't some kind of sweet tasting, vanilla-infused Pepsi. No. Pepsi White is actually yogurt-flavored cola. Sold primarily in Japan, the drink really is the perfect breakfast — you've got your caffeine, dairy and probiotics in one. Yum.
Placenta 400,000
Now you don't have to give birth to enjoy a good placenta! Yes, this drink contains placenta; pig placenta to be exact. But don't let that deter you from enjoying this jelly-like brew. Placenta is said to have regenerative properties, especially when it comes to looking good.
The difficult decision of whether to drink a beer or milk never has to be made again thanks to Bilk. The half-beer, half-milk drink was created to solve the ever-growing problem of what to do with extra milk. Instead, a brewery mixed a latte with some yeast and hops and threw in some fruit flavoring (you know, to appeal to women), and Bilk was born.
NEEDS Cheese Drink
In an effort to educate children about the health benefits of cheese, the NEEDS cheese company in Hokkaido decided to do away with the PSA and instead created this drink in three appealing flavors, including Yuzu Citrus, Berry, and Plain — which we imagine tastes like melted fromage. Feeling hungry? The company says the drink doubles as a salad dressing. Now how appealing is that?
Water Salad
Not to be outdone by Pepsi's yogurt-flavored soda, Coca Cola created a bizarre beverage of their own for the Asian market: the Water Salad soda. Released in 2004, the drink comes in six flavors all that resemble, well, salad. Who has time to chew anymore?
Bacon Soda
Remember when Coca Cola crushed our dreams with the announcement that bacon-flavored Coke wasn't real? Well, get out the celebratory lard because we've got good news: Bacon Soda does exist! And you can get it on Amazon! The taste is slightly meaty, slightly sweet, and entirely wonderful.
Peanut Butter and Jelly Soda
Score two for the U.S. in the bizarre beverage category. The lunchbox's favorite friend has been captured and put into a bottle. Created by Jones Soda, the same people that brought us the Thanksgiving Dinner Soda, PB&J Soda is launching in the land of test markets first (a.k.a. Canada), and then making its way to the U.S. just in time for school to start. Don't worry; no peanuts were used in the actual making of this soda, which is both frightening and comforting if those two emotions can exist in one drink.
Ranch Dressing Soda
Have you ever been at a party, nibbling on crudité, and thought, "Man, I could just drink this ranch dressing"? Well, now you can! The latest from Lester's Fixins — who are giving Pepsi and Coke a run for their money with flavors like this one and buffalo chicken wing — the drink offers up aromas of blue cheese and hints of flavors of coconut and, well, ranch dressing. Mmmmm.
Mauby Fizz Tree Bark Soda
Most people think of the Caribbean and imagine frozen drinks decorated with little umbrellas, and maybe even a plastic sword. The locals have a different idea of refreshing. Mauby Fizz is made by boiling down tree bark and mixing it with herbs and spices. Popular in Saint Lucia, Trinidad and Tobago, Barbados, and Bermuda, the drink is said to have a variety of therapeutic uses like lowering blood pressure, increasing libido, and fighting diabetes. Oh, anddon't down it all at once. It has been known to act as a laxative, too. Talk about an all-in-one!
Eel Soda
And we're back to Japan. Here, Surging Eel Soda is the thing to drink during the country's annual eel-eating season. The drink tastes just like broiled eels do, but Kazunori Hayashi, spokesman for the company that created this gem, insists it will give you energy, but only if your are a man. "It is mainly for men who are exhausted by the summer's heat".
Cannabis Energy Drink
Feeling drained? Drink some weed! An Austrian company created a sweet flavored energy drink that is made from help seed extract, caffeine, taurine, and "a bunch of B vitamins." You weren't expecting specifics from a company around that much cannabis, were you? While they say the stuff has no narcotic effects, they stress that kids and pregnant women should avoid it.