'Top Chef' Filming Rumored In Seattle And More News
The Daily Meal's Media Mix brings you the biggest news around the food world.
Where Is Top Chef Filming?: The show won't confirm that it's filming in Seattle, but just about everybody already knows. [Seattle Post Intelligencer]
David Chang on London: "London is the most vicious city in the world, no doubt about it," Chang, the man behind Momofuku, said at the Taste of London event. [Businessweek]
Anger Over Raw Liver Ban in Japan: After five serious cases of food poisoning last year from eating raw liver, Japan has banned the ingredients in restaurants — and made many diners mad. [Reuters]
Portland Decides on Food Trucks: The Portland, Maine, City Council mulled over whether food trucks should be allowed in the city (with fees and restrictions), a hot-button issue for years. [BDN Maine]
Food Drive Tops 1 Million Pounds for Colorado Victims: A food drive for those who lost their homes in Colorado's Waldo Fire reached more than 1 million pounds. [Colorado Springs Gazette]