Tips For Food Bloggers From #TECHmunch Tweeters
TECHmunch is a conference that brings together food bloggers from across the country to discuss what it takes to stand out in the food blogosphere. In this, its third year, the conference set out to enhance bloggers' skills, and help them take their blogs to the next level. It strived to instruct them about SEO and developing an audience, as well as discussed the latest tactics and programs that can benefit the common blogger.
But not everyone can afford to take time off from work to visit LA. And since social media is such a huge part of blogging (and most web-related activities), we turned to attending tweeters for a roundup of what was missed. Whether you're a food blogger looking for tips, or just someone who's sad they missed out on free food and swag, following is a list of tweets from #TECHmunch attendees with advice for writing and publicizing your blog, and even for aspiring TV chefs.