Things You Should Never Buy From Whole Foods
1. Ostrich Eggs
This is an extremely unnecessary expense. Though they claim it can feed 10 to 12 people, you can do that with a far cheaper dozen of organic eggs.
2. Grapes
Because one customer allegedly found this:
3. Grilled Salmon
Some of the prepared food at Whole Foods is totally worth the buy. However you can purchase uncooked wild-caught salmon at a much more digestible price.
4. Morels
This mushroom is a tasty treat, but can definitely be found at farmers markets or on your own foraging expeditions at a much cheaper price.
5. Cheeses
We know, we know. They have a fabulous selection. But peep the price tag and you'll find that a lot of these artisanal beauties are way overpriced. You can actually head to Trader Joe's for a cheaper and equally satisfying selection.
( Photo: Flickr/LearningLark)
6. Comfort
Because, how can you put a price on that Whole Foods?