Swedish Refugee Flier Claims Halal Slaughter Illegal

In an attempt to discourage refugees from entering or settling in Sweden, a conservative party has reportedly taken to handing out fliers to convince refugees that they will not be happy in that country claiming, among other things, that halal meat is illegal.

According to The Local, halal slaughter is not actually illegal in Sweden at all, though conservative politicians occasionally try to make it so.

The flier, which had the headline "No money, no jobs, no homes," was meant to provide a bleak and unwelcoming picture of Sweden in an attempt to keep refugees from coming. In addition to the inaccurate claims about the legality of halal meat and food, it also alleged that there were grenade attacks in public places and "a very high number of shootings and gang related violence." The flier also alleged that wearing the hijab was illegal in Sweden, which is also not accurate.

The flier was reportedly signed by a group representing itself as "Sweden Democrats, SD-Women and The People of Sweden." The conservative Sweden Democrat party had previously asserted that it would start efforts to convince refugees that Sweden was not an appealing place to live, but the party has not yet officially claimed authorship of the flier in question.