The Summer's Second Supermoon To Return Sunday Afternoon

(CBS SF) – The third "supermoon" of 2014 is upon us. The bigger and brighter full moon is scheduled to occur this Sunday, August 10 at 11:09 a.m. Pacific time. This will be the closest the moon comes to earth (also known as it's "perigee") and should be the best of the five supermoons of 2014 as it passes within 221,765 miles of us.

According to the Wall Street Journal, the International Meteor Organization said the supermoon will most likely wash out the year's most robust Perseid Meteor Shower when it peaks around this time. NASA meteor expert Bill Cooke told the WSJ Perseids usually flash more fireballs than other large showers. During the days before and after the shower is when you may see some stray meteors fly through the sky.

The first supermoon of 2014 occurred on January 1st and the second on January 31st. September 9th is the last supermoon.

If you want the full astronomy of how it works, has an amazing amount of diagrams and graphics.

Before you plan a big date to enjoy the moon, read our facts:
SUPERMOON: Facts to Impress Your Date

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