Now There's A Snooki And Baby Burger Combo
Just in case you missed the news that Snooki of Jersey Shore fame is now a mother, here are the details: The reality show star gave birth to a baby boy (named Lorenzo Dominic) last Saturday, and there is now a Snooki Burger and baby burger combo to remind you just how precious the event is.
BGR the Burger Joint has brought back their Snooki Burger, this time serving it with a mini-Snooki Burger slider. Both burgers have a beef patty with grilled jalapeños on top of a slab of Philadelphia cream cheese, plus "BGR's signature mojo sauce," which is reportedly Thousand-Island inspired.
Of course, we imagine this as a "Mommy and Me" combo for mothers and kids, although we feel like a Jäegerbomb is a requisite accompaniment to Mommy's burger. The kid, on the other hand, should just stick with a Coke; not healthy at all, but fitting. Or maybe a Shirley Temple?