Shake Shack's Salted Peanut Butter Hot Chocolate

When we last spoke with Shake Shack's culinary manager, Mark Rosati, for a Q&A in early October, he said they were "playing with some things for the cold weather." Even so, we weren't quite ready for this: Salted Peanut Butter Hot Chocolate. The drink combines three great things: the salt of the salted caramel custard, the thick creaminess of Shake Shack custard, and pure belly-warming capacity.

The hot chocolate is surprisingly thick—like pudding mix when you first start stirring, that moment just before it begins to thicken. You start to wonder if it isn't a melted concrete that has been heated up. Nice move. First, you notice the salt on your tongue. That's followed by an intense sweetness. And is it sticking a bit to the sides of your mouth, like peanut butter?

You'll want to drink it all winter. Thankfully, it's a standing order, so you can. And considering you can buy it at the 'B' line, it's the perfect thing to sip on and keep your hands warm with while you're waiting on the longer line for a burger.