Science Proves Men Are Cooking, Grocery Shopping More
If the creation of "Man Aisles" in grocery stores didn't convince you that (gasp) men are actually cooking these days, then perhaps science will.
TIME reports that a new study from the University of Michigan found that Generation X men (born between 1961 and 1981) are more focused on food than their fathers were.
The data showed that Gen X adults shop and cook more than their predecessors, watch cooking shows, and talk to their friends about food or cooking. And young men are relatively more involved in the cooking process than generations of males before, study author Jon D. Miller claims.
"Young married men reported shopping for food five times a month, just two times fewer than married women," the report says. But of course, unmarried men tended to eat more fast food than married men.
As for why men are trending towards the kitchen? It may be because everyone wants to be like Anthony Bourdain, but Miller also offers another hypothesis.
"In previous generations, there was often a disparity, and the husband's job brought in more money or was more time consuming. That's not the case anymore. Now there is much more parity between genders and in many cases, the woman makes more. That means there is a reallocation of time and duties for these people," Miller told TIME.
But of course, young men "are still learning how to boil water," he says. "Man Aisles" should include electrical kettles, we guess.