Starbucks Samoa Frappuccino Recipe
Starbucks Samoa Frappuccino Recipe
If you’ve ever bought a box of treats from a little girl in a green uniform, you’ll instantly recognize the name of this American classic as one the most sought-after Girl Scout cookies in the roster: the Samoa. These little circles of joy are made with caramel and toasted coconut, and we dare not forget the drizzled chocolate on top. Also known as Caramel deLites (find the explanation of the name switch here), these cookies are one of the most iconic club’s sellers.
Well, now you don’t have to wait for cookie selling season, that adorable door-to-door sea of green (ah, Americana), to start in order to get your fix; and you don’t have to chew, either, because we have just the blended treat for you! Introducing the Samoa Frappuccino, fresh off of the “Starbucks Secret Menu: The Ultimate Guide.” Now, go make this delectable treat!
