The Peacock Alley Champagne Cocktail

The Peacock Alley Champagne Cocktail
2.6 from 21 ratings
The famous Waldorf-Astoria in New York City features a champagne delight in honor of the international Champagne Day, made with Galliano infused with black peppercorns and fresh strawberries. 
  • 1 ounce infused galliano
  • ayala 'brut majeur' champagne
  • 750 milliliter galliano liqueur
  • 1 pound fresh strawberries, cored and halved
  • 3 tablespoon black peppercorns
  1. Add the infused Galliano, and fill champagne glass with Ayala 'Brut Majeur' Champagne.
  2. Add all ingredients to airtight container, let sit for a week. Strain and place back into Galliano bottle.