Blue Moon Belgian White Artfully Crafted Grilled Chicken
Blue Moon Belgian White Artfully Crafted Grilled Chicken
The best part about this recipe is that it requires you to drink half of the beer before you even start cooking. But in all seriousness, we like how it adds aromatics like cloves and an orange rind to the beer inside the beer can, so that when the chicken cooks on the grill, it becomes succulent and tender from the beer, and flavorful from the seasonings inside the can.

- one 4-pound chicken
- 2 tablespoon seasoning salt
- 4 tablespoon paprika
- 1 teaspoon white pepper
- 1/2 teaspoon cayenne
- 1 can blue moon belgian white*
- 5 whole cloves
- 1 teaspoon coriander seeds
- 1 rind of an orange
- dash of honey
- Rinse the chicken inside and out, and pat dry with paper towels. Combine the seasoning salt, paprika, white pepper, and cayenne. Generously coat chicken with this mixture. Drink 1/2 the can of Blue Moon Belgian White (don’t waste it!). Place the beer can on a solid surface. Place the cloves, coriander seeds, and orange rind inside beer can, with a dab of honey. Grabbing a chicken leg in each hand, plunk the bird cavity over the beer can. Transfer the bird-on-a-can to the grill and place in the center of the grate, balancing the bird on its 2 legs and the can like a tripod. Cook the chicken over medium-high, indirect heat (i.e., no coals or burners directly under the bird), with the grill cover on, for approximately 75 minutes or until the internal temperature registers 165 degrees in the breast area. Remove from grill, and let rest for 10 minutes before carving.