Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies

Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies
3.8 from 12 ratings
We’ve all said it and we’ve all heard it. “Oh, I love to bake, but I just can’t because then I’d eat it all.” Well, can it. Cookies are the perfect baking project. They’re a blank canvas for tons of different flavors and are easily transported out of your home to pretty much anywhere people want cookies (like the office). These chocolate chip cookies are not too sweet or overpowering, with a great richness from the semisweet chips, a spicy hint of fall flavors, and just enough sweetness to remind you that you’re indulging. I’ll come clean, though. I only brought half of my pumpkin chocolate chip cookie batch to the office. The rest are waiting for me at home, calling out to me. Click here to see Cookie Swap with the Food Network.  Click here to see the Not Just for Carving: 8 Pumpkin Recipes story.
Pumpkin chocolate chip cookies