Outback's B-Day Chair Awkwardly Hugs Birthday Diners
Sorry, but are we the only ones who are thankful that we no longer have to give out hugs to people on our birthdays, because sometimes we don't know them very well and it's super awkward, and also, what if they smell? Outback, it seems, is lamenting the age of "real hugs" instead of friendly Facebook messages (the latter easily ignored), so the restaurant chain decided to create a B-Day Chair.
The gist of the concept: Log into your Facebook with an attached tablet, and every time a friend comments on your wall, the chair will grow arms and give you an awkward hug. Every hug sparks a reaction photo which is then posted to your Facebook. Our photos would probably turn out like this.
In any case, these B-Day chairs were distributed around Sao Paulo locations, eliciting surprise laughter and admittedly very fun photos. Watch the video below, then warn your really good friends that if they ever decide to do this instead of giving you a real hug, you will not give them a birthday cupcake.