Occupy Wall Street's Got Beef With Big Food
Along with the issues of Oakland OWS violence and the 99 vs. 1 percent, Occupy Wall Street protesters have set their sights on attacking big food corporations.
This Saturday, October 29, there will be an Occupy Against Big Food rally in Zuccotti Park at 1 p.m. to protest the "corporate feeding of America." Speakers such as Marion Nestle and Anna Lappe will be in the park on Saturday to address these issues, as well as how big corporations influence agribusiness.
What goes into the mouths of the OWS movement has been getting just as much attention as what comes out of them. NY Post has criticized protesters for "eating like kings," with daily menu items like salmon cakes with dill sauce, quinoa salad, and spaghetti Bolognese with roasted beets.
Of course, all this press means the "Zuccotti Cafe" has been attracting "professional homeless people and ex-cons" masquerading as protesters, just to get free food. A scaled down menu of PB & J sandwiches was devised to solve this problem while still feeding the masses, but maybe on Saturday protestors and freeloaders alike will be schooled on the virtues of local, organic, and sustainable food practices?
The Daily Byte is a regular column dedicated to covering interesting food news and trends across the country. Click here for previous columns.