This Hallucinogenic Honey From Nepal Costs Hundreds Of Dollars Per Pound

You can get high off of honey, but you might have to hang off a 300-foot cliff and get attacked by Himalayan honey bees to get it.

In an episode of National Geographic's Explorer documentary series, adventure filmmaker Renan Ozturk captures the trek of a honey hunter to harvest hallucinogenic honey in Nepal.

The Himalayan honey bee is the largest of its kind in the world — twice as large as its American counterpart — and the honey it produces from the nectar of rhododendrons contains grayanotoxin, according to the U.S. Food & Drug Administration website.

This substance induces hallucinations, and those who consume the honey may also experience an altered mental state, improved sexual performance, dizziness, nausea, diarrhea, loss of consciousness, and asystole (the arrest of cardiac rhythm sometimes called "flat-lining").

The honey is sometimes used in Nepal for medicinal purposes — among other things — as an antidote for bee stings.