Archaeologists In Rome Find Remains Of Ancient Farm With Tools, Leather Fragments, And Peach Pits

The remains of a first-century commercial farm, near what had been the center of ancient Rome, has been uncovered by archaeologists taking advantage of subway construction, reports The Associated Press.

A team of researchers led by Rossella Rea, a culture ministry official, has discovered an ancient agricultural business that includes an extensive drainage system and an irrigation basin.

Other remains of the farm include an iron pitchfork, leather fragments that might have been from a farm worker's glove or shoe, and even "well-preserved vestiges of willow and other tree roots and stumps."

Perhaps most intriguing of all, the team also found peach pits among the artifacts, thought to be from the farm's orchard. At the time, peaches had only recently been imported from the Middle East and "they were almost luxury items," Rea told The Associated Press.

Select findings from the dig will be incorporated into the St. John's subway station, while other items will go on display in Rome's museums.