Oklahoma Gun Range Gets Liquor License
In today's "what were they thinking?" news, we have Oklahoma shooting range, Wilshire Gun, set to open soon, that has been approved by Oklahoma City for a liquor license. Yes, that's right. People will now be able to get drunk and shoot guns, legally, all in the same place. The owners of Wilshire Gun claim that customers will only be able to get a drink at the attached bar/café after doing a round of shooting, and not before or during.
"Any misconceptions or joking aside, beer and bullets, guns and alcohol, they do not mix," co-owner Jeff Swanson told the local Fox News station. "Once your order a drink, your driver's license is scanned and you are red-flagged and you're not allowed into any of the shooting facilities either as a spectator and certainly not as a shooter for the remainder of the day."
Wilshire claims that it will be the first facility of its kind in Oklahoma. But despite the precautions being put into place, representatives from Oklahoma's Alcohol Beverage Law Enforcement Agency are concerned that somehow, people will get around the safety precautions.
Here's to hoping that beer and bullets stay separate in the state of Oklahoma.
Joanna Fantozzi is an Associate Editor with The Daily Meal. Follow her on Twitter @JoannaFantozzi