Gingerbread Houses Are So Passé: Behold The Mighty Genius Of The Pizza House

Being able to build a perfect gingerbread house is a DIY Christmas-decor skill that will impress your friends and make your Pinterest followers jealous — and the result can double as a delicious snack. But the traditional gingerbread house needs some shaking up.The folks over at Thrillist took one look at the typical gingerbread abode and thought, "we can rebuild it, we have the technology, or at least the frozen pizzas."

Thrillist reporter Carrie Dennis created a decorative house entirely out of four frozen pizzas, a freshly-delivered pie, pizza toppings, and string cheese. Using a blowtorch and some parchment, she assembled what just may be the most delicious (mostly) edible holiday decoration of all time. After all, when you're past the age of eight, there are only so many gumdrops and frosting-covered gingerbread pieces you can eat.

First, you have to cook the frozen pizzas (perhaps even overcook them), until they are durable and can stand up on their own as the walls of the house. The fresh pizza will be used as the foundation/front lawn, and you decorate the house with pepperoni, olives, and mushrooms. One downside is that cheese is apparently not an efficient glue, so many toothpicks are required to keep your house from falling apart.

Get the full instructions here.