Study Says Cutting Calories Might Help Slow Down The Aging Process

Don't buy those pricey anti-aging serums and creams just yet — researchers at Duke University may have found a cheaper alternative. According to a new study analysis, calorie restriction has been linked to the slowing down of biological aging, which means you might be able to hang on to your youthful looks a little longer.

"Biological aging is the gradual and progressive deterioration of systems in the body that occurs with advancing chronological age," Daniel Belsky, lead author of the study and assistant professor of medicine at Duke University School of Medicine, said in a statement. "If we can intervene to slow the rate of biological aging, it may be possible to prevent or at least delay onset for many age-related diseases and disabilities."

In the study analysis, researchers observed data from a National Institute on Aging study, which observed 220 people who either restricted their caloric intake by 25 percent or kept their current diet. Results showed that at the 12-month follow-up, those who underwent calorie restriction saw an increase in biological age by an average of .11 years, whereas those who maintained their normal diet saw a rise by an average of .71 years. The gap indicates an association between calorie restriction and a slowed-down rate of biological aging.

"Ours is the first study to test if caloric restriction can slow measured biological aging in humans in a randomized setting," Belsky said. "Our findings suggest a template for developing and evaluating therapies designed to mimic the effects of caloric restriction to ultimately prevent chronic diseases."

To read about 10 anti-aging foods from around the world, click here.