Iowa Restaurant Raised Cover Charges For Trump Supporters

Stella, a restaurant and sports bar in University Heights, Iowa, reportedly charged customers last weekend based on how they voted in the 2016 presidential election: Donald Trump supporters had to pay more than Hillary Clinton supporters.

Eric Stelter and his wife, of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, were potential patrons who planned on watching the Iowa Hawkeye game on Nov. 12 at Stella.

"As we got closer to the door, we noticed there was a sign on the door that said, 'Yes, this is discrimination, but you voted for it,'" Stelter told CBS 2 News.

Kevin Perez, the manager at Stella, told Iowa-City Press Citizen that patrons had different payment options presented under flaps on a clipboard upon entering the venue: $20 for those who voted for Trump and rooted for Michigan, $10 for Trump and Iowa, $5 for Clinton and Iowa or Michigan, $10 for those who didn't vote, and $5 to $10 for third-party voters depending on the time of day.

"I have no problem if you voted for Trump," Perez said. "I have no problem if you voted for Gary Johnson. It was a funny way to engage. There was no fighting, no violence, no anything. Five people got mad over the nine hours we did it, and they would just leave."