Gordon Ramsay Can't Handle This Chocolate And Bacon Pizza

Gordon Ramsay has openly proclaimed his hatred for pineapple pizza, which he was only willing to eat on Facebook Live for the sake of charity, but it looks like there's another kind of pie that he might dislike even more: chocolate and bacon pizza.

On July 16, Ramsay uploaded a video on YouTube of a clip from the first season of his FOX TV show, Hotel Hell, in which the celebrity chef travels the country to critique and advise hotels, motels, and bed and breakfasts.

In the clip, Ramsay visits San Diego's The Merk, which is now closed, where even assistant restaurant manager Dave Oliver was underwhelmed by the Italian bistro's cuisine.

"I wouldn't serve any of our dishes to my dog," Oliver said, adding that the restaurant's chef has "given up."

After eating dry chicken dishes, Ramsay carries on to order the "chocolate pig," a 10-inch dessert pizza made with white and dark chocolate, strawberries, and bacon.

When Ramsay is presented with the pizza, he quickly states that he's never seen a dessert look so unappetizing and spits it out seconds after his first and only bite.

To read about the 20 worst things you can eat and why, click here.