Former Food Network Chef Sued For Playing Marvin Gaye Too Loudly In His Restaurant

A lawsuit has been brought against former Food Network chef Lance Knowling, whose noisy restaurant in Harlem has driven his neighbors to distraction. Knowling was previously on the Food Network program Extreme Chefs.

Lucille Chung and Alessio Bax, the couple who filed the lawsuit, are professional concert pianists who claim that Knowling's Blujeen restaurant downstairs is so loud that they cannot sleep or work.

"The noise during these past weeks was so loud and disturbing that we feel we are under assault in our own home," the couple complained. "Blujeen generates excessive noise, both music and voice, and other sounds that completely permeate the plaintiffs' apartment."

The music of choice, which has been identified as exclusively jazz or the Marvin Gaye Pandora station, has made Chung and Bax's apartment "useless" as a space for work or rest. Knowling has reportedly apologized to the couple for the noise, but has done nothing about the issue.