Fast-Food Workers To Fight For Higher Wages In 'Day Of Disruption' Protest

Fight for $15, an organization that fights for low-wage employees, has planned a mass protest at airports and fast-food restaurants around the country on Tuesday, Nov. 29, to demand an increase in wages and the right to form unions.

The protest, deemed the "Day of Disruption," will hit 340 cities in the U.S. and around 20 airports. Workers are asking for livable wages and to raise the minimum wage to $15 per hour. The protest will also coincide with the organization's four-year anniversary, Eater reported.

Donald Trump's election has caused concern in the restaurant industry and continues to do so with the potential blow to workers' rights.

"Our message to President-elect Trump [and other elected officials] is that 64 million workers in the country make less than $15 an hour and we are not backing off," Terrance Wise, a McDonald's worker, said during a conference call last week, according to Eater.

The movement will fight for higher wages for not only fast-food workers but also other underpaid workers including home health aides, child care teachers, airport workers, adjunct professors, and retail employees, according to the Fight for $15 website.

Uber drivers will also join the protest in two-dozen cities, including San Francisco and Boston, according to Fortune