Anthony Bourdain Is Working On A New Cookbook, 'Appetites'

For the first time in a decade, Parts Unknown traveler and host Anthony Bourdain will release a new cookbook: a home cooking guide entitled Appetites.

Bourdain, who is also working on a huge international food hall project, is scheduled to publish the book in fall of 2016.

"Appetites boils down 40 plus years of professional cooking and world traveling to a tight repertoire of personal favorites — dishes that everyone should (at least in Mr. Bourdain's opinion) know how to cook," says the press release from Ecco, a division of HarperCollins. "Once the supposed 'bad boy' of cooking, Mr. Bourdain has, in recent years, become the father of a little girl — a role he has come to embrace with enthusiasm. After years of traveling over 200 days a year, he has come to enjoy entertaining at home. Years of prep lists and the hyper-organization necessary for a restaurant kitchen, however, have caused him, in his words, to have 'morphed into a psychotic, anally retentive, bad-tempered Ina Garten.' The result is a home cooking, home entertaining cookbook like no other. Personal favorites from home and from his travels, translated into an effective battle plan that will help you terrify your guests with your breathtaking efficiency."