Microwave Only: Baked Cinnamon Apples

As spring break approaches, the thought of transitioning from a concealing winter coat to a revealing bathing suit is nightmare inducing. Balancing nutrition and flavor is a difficult challenge, and one that is especially salient during the weeks leading up to trips to Mexico or Panama City. Don't fret—we're here to offer a delicious and convenient way to maintain that bikini body without having to give up our most beloved leisure activity: baking. Simply replace cookies and slutty brownies, which lead to nothing more than fleeting satisfaction and eventual regret, with these microwavable baked apples.
2 fresh apples (color and flavor of your choice)
Crushed granola
Cinnamon and/or brown sugar
1. Cut both apples into two pieces, lengthwise, so that each open half is flat and facing upward on your plate.
2. Cut out existing apple cores with a knife.
3. Crush up granola (use a breakfast bar if you don't have granola) and place it on top of each apple slice.
4. Sprinkle a pinch of cinnamon and/or brown sugar on top of the granola.
5. Microwave the apples for about 5 minutes until they begin to feel soft.
Enjoy a healthy snack—one that took no more than 10 minutes to prepare—and get ready for spring break!
The post Microwave Only: Baked Cinnamon Apples originally appeared on Spoon University. Please visit Spoon University to see more posts like this one.