Media Mix: Taste Of America In Spain; Jamie Oliver Heads To LA; And Rikers' Budding Chefs
The Daily Byte brings you the biggest news from the food world.
Spain Loves Betty Crocker: Apparently, a Taste of America store in Spain is doing surprisingly well, selling "novelty" foods like Kraft macaroni and cheese, Pepperidge Farm cookies, and Betty Crocker cake mix. [BusinessWeek]
Jamie Oliver Heads to LA: The rumors are true! The celebrity chef and healthy eating advocate is planning to open a West Coast restaurant within the next few years. "It's quite hard to open a restaurant here for an English boy," he says. [Eater]
Anthony Bourdain's Comic Book Out Soon: The host of the new show The Layover is releasing his comic book (he's a co-writer) in July 2012. It's called GET JIRO!, and focuses on "ultraviolent food nerds. It's a gourmet slaughterfest." [Vertigo]
Rikers' Inmates Roast Turkey for Homeless: We brought stories of the Fresh Start program at Rikers Island two months ago, which gives inmates culinary training for the future, and now The New York Times reports on their turkey-roasting festivities. What one inmate has learned? "Little techniques, like dicing so we don't cut off our fingers." [NYT]
Sox GM Finds Robber Reheating Lobster: White Sox General Manager Kenny Williams came home to find his oven on, his frozen lobster defrosted, his pizza and beer gone, and a man wearing his sweatshirt, pants, fur, watch, and 2005 World Series ring. [Chicago Sun-Times]
The Daily Byte is a regular column dedicated to covering interesting food news and trends across the country. Click here for previous columns.