McDonald's Bagged Coffee Hits Canadian Stores
McDonald's recently announced its plans to begin selling bags of their McCafé ground coffee at restaurants in Canada starting next month. Beginning Nov. 8, almost all Canadian McDonald's stores will offer the bagged coffee. The McCafé blends will be sold in approximately 12-ounce packages and will cost around 7 Canadian dollars (approximately $7 U.S.).
The move comes shortly after the company filed a trademark for their popular coffee, spurring rumors that the brand's bagged coffee would be sold in America. Many see the new efforts in Canada as a test program for the popularity of the product, which could spread throughout many other regions of the world if successful. The president of McDonald's Canada John Betts remarked on the possibility of expansion, saying, "As we evolve and as our customers ask us for more options, who knows? If we continue to grow the category, anything's possible."
Still, McDonald's has yet to announce any plans of selling their ground coffee in the United States. It seems we'll have to wait and see just how successful the beans are with our friends to the North until then, eh?