Kim McCosker On 'Baby Bowl'
For new mothers and fathers, the idea of cooking for their baby is often thrown out the window along with sleep-filled nights, brushed hair, and a social life. But Kim McCosker has a new book, Baby Bowl, to try and change the notion that cooking for a baby is time-consuming and difficult. She says she came up with the concept after having her own children and realizing that there wasn't a book that she felt gave practical advice. "When I had my first child Morgan I was just so scared especially in the transition phase from milk to solids."
The book is full of recipes and tips, but the main takeaway for McCosker is to have a weekly plan that reduces the stress around freshly cooked meals for babies: "If you put a plan together then you can batch cook — and you must batch cook because then you can freeze!"
For more of McCosker's tips you can watch the video above or purchase Baby Bowl!