Hero In Kidnapping Case Given Free Burgers For Life And More News
The Daily Meal brings you the biggest news from the food world.
Burgers for Life: A bunch of restaurants have banded together to promise free burgers for life for the hero who rescued four kidnapping victims in Cleveland. "He stopped his meal midway through to help those women. We're now making sure he has other opportunities to go out and fully enjoy his burger." [The Plain Dealer]
Amy's Baking Company Drama: More craziness with the Amy's Baking Company owners; owner Samy Bouzaglo is reportedly caught up in "immigration court proceedings" and may be deported. [Gawker]
Voodoo Doughnuts to Denver: Portland, Ore., favorite Voodoo Doughnuts has reportedly signed a lease for a Denver location, the first outside of Oregon. They'll be serving their Captain Crunch- or M&M-topped creations, per usual. [Oregon Live]
Derek Jeter's Starbucks Nicknames: Of course he'd like to go incognito, but Johnny Drama? Really? [NY Post]