An Iconic Philadelphia Record Store Could Be Shutting Down Next Month
By Hadas Kuznits
PHILADELPHIA (CBS) — This may be the final summer for an iconic Philadelphia record store.
Digital Ferret Compact Discs has been a Queen Village fixture for about 20 years, but owner Patrick Rodgers says he's looking to close the store Sept. 1
"It's something that I probably should've done a year or two ago, but when you've put that much time and money and effort and love into a business, it's so difficult to step away," Rodgers said.
He says sales have been on the decline.
"It's very difficult for brick and mortar stores to exist in the world of digital media," he said.
Meanwhile, store general manager Joe Scott has started an Indiegogo campaign to raise money to buy the store.
"He's looking to raise $9,500 and as of right now, he's 60 percent of the way there," Rodgers said.
The campaign runs through Aug. 31.
"So I'm hopeful that his campaign will be successful and that I can pass the torch on to him," he said.
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