How Jonathan Gold Got Into Food And More News
The Daily Meal brings you the biggest news from the food world.
Jonathan Gold on Choosing Food Over Foreign Service: Apparently Jonathan Gold was convinced he was going into government work, even taking a test for the CIA and Foreign Service. He chose food instead, thanks to Pico Boulevard. [NPR/This American Life]
Restaurant Owner Vows to Make Fastest Pizza: A New York pizza maker has vowed to break the record for fastest pizza-making, aiming to stretch five 10-ounce dough rounds into 12-inch pizzas in less than 28 seconds. [CBS/AP]
Healthy Food Myths: Answering some major questions about meat glue, farmed salmon, organic produce, and trans fats. [NY Times]
More Seniors at Food Pantries: A study breaking down who utilizes emergency food programs (like soup kitchens) found that more seniors and less children are visiting. [AP]