When Is Hanukkah 2015?
In 165 B.C.E., a small group of faithful Jews, the Hasmoneans (Maccabees), defeated the Seleucids' (Syrian-Greeks) large army and reclaimed the Holy Temple in Jerusalem.
Hanukkah (meaning "dedication" in Hebrew) commemorates the rededication of the Temple in Jerusalem. When they went to light the menorah, they found only a single cruse of blessed olive oil. The one-day supply miraculously burned for eight days, until new oil could be prepared.
Today practicing Jewish families celebrate the miracle of Hanukkah by lighting their own household menorahs, eating foods fried in oil, and spending time with loved ones. But unlike its other seasonal counterparts, Hanukkah's date changes each year, since it is celebrated according to the Hebrew calendar, whereas we use the Gregorian calendar. It begins on the twenty-fifth day of the Jewish month of Kislev, which is connected to the lunar cycle. To make sure you and your family never miss a latke-filled moment, we pulled together the dates of Hanukkah in this and the coming years so you can plan ahead.
This year, Hanukkah falls on:
Hanukkah 2015 begins in the evening of Sunday, December 6 and ends in the evening of Monday, December 14
To help you get ahead of schedule, find out when the next festival of lights is occurring: