Watch These Adorable Dogs Eating Thanksgiving Dinner
Mashed potatoes, turkey, gravy, stuffing, and pumpkin pie... this puppy can already taste all of the Thanksgiving dinner on his doggie lips. But he'll pass on the cranberries and green bean casserole.
These doggies can't even contain their excitement for Thanksgiving dinner. And they totally think they're getting the first plate.
Dinner at the table? These two boys got spoiled at Thanksgiving and ate everything on their plates.
Thanksgiving was so good that these pups didn't even come up for air. They licked the plate clean.
Who needs to eat at a table? These three just went at it on the kitchen floor.
So. Much. Turkey. Thanksgiving dinner just wore this little guy out. Anddd he's going back to bed now.
Haley Willard is The Daily Meal's assistant editor. Follow her on Twitter @haleywillrd.