28 Tips From Nutritionists For A Healthy Thanksgiving Feast Slideshow
Aim for No Leftovers
No, this doesn't mean you should eat all the food on Thanksgiving Day. Thanksgiving is meant to be enjoyed, notes Emily Braaten, a nutritionist from Washington, D.C. "The problem is, we often make so much food that we 'enjoy' it well into the next week. Try to scale back your recipes so that, when the day is done, the excess is, too."
Avoid Foods You Can Always Eat
"Go for seasonal foods that only appear this time of year. You don't have to eat everything to enjoy yourself," advises Ryan Whitcomb, integrative and functional dietitian at GUT RXN Nutrition.
Avoid the Heavy Hitters
Kathleen Fitzgerald, a practicing nutritionist in New York City, believes the key to a healthy Thanksgiving is about making mindful choices. It's OK to indulge, she says, but you should be aware of how it adds up and how much effort it will take to burn it off. "Foods such as turkey skin, stuffing, cranberry sauce, pecan pie, and sweet potato casserole are among the most high in fat and sugar."
Be Portion-Wise
"Setting out large plates and huge serving platters piled high with food subtly influences people to take larger servings," notes Monica Reinagel, licensed nutritionist at ReViVer. Leave extra food in the kitchen so as to avoid tempting guests with overflowing plates of food.
Be Sociable
This one is easy to do and doesn't place any restrictions on your Thanksgiving meal. Talking and interacting with family and friends "helps to minimize temptation by focusing your attention elsewhere," Ryan Whitcomb points out.
Become a Substitution Meister
"Anything can be 'healthified,'" notes Monica Auslander, dietitian from Essence Nutrition in Miami. "Use sweet potato instead of white, use avocado oil or coconut oil instead of butter, use honey instead of white sugar, use spaghetti squash or zucchini instead of noodles, use almond flour or buckwheat flour instead of white flour, and Greek yogurt instead of cream."
Breakfast Is Beneficial
Don't skip breakfast to "save" calories for later in the day, says Edwina Clark, head of nutrition and wellness at Yummly. "People generally eat more when they're hungry," she says. "The best way to stop this downward spiral is to enjoy a big breakfast including protein like low-fat Greek yogurt or eggs; whole grains such as oatmeal or 100 percent whole wheat bread."
Choose “50 Percent Clean”
Staci Shacter, dietitian at the Carillon Miami Wellness Resort, proposes loading up on fruits, vegetables, and protein. "Protein is the most filling while fiber from fruits and vegetables adds more bulk and less calories. Green bean casserole with MSG and trans-fat laden creamed mushroom soup mix and fried onions does not count as a clean vegetable."
Ditch the Boxed Stuffing
"That familiar stuffing in the red box contains partially hydrogenated oil, our primary source of trans fats," according to Felicia D. Stoler, a registered dietitian, exercise physiologist, and host of TLC's Honey We're Killing the Kids. "Nix all the prepackaged stuffings — many contain trans fats or other unhealthy ingredients — and pick up some day-old bread. Have your little ones help by tearing the bread into pieces the night before. Create a family tradition with homemade stuffing."
Don’t Compromise Taste for Nutrition
"Rather than settling for pale imitations of the real thing, why not focus on scrumptious party foods that are healthier to start out with? Instead of making onion dip with fat-free sour cream, choose a naturally lower-fat option like roasted eggplant dip or cucumber-yogurt tzatziki," Monica Reinagel suggests.
Don’t Drink Your Calories
"Opt for club soda with a splash of cider, and avoid juices, beers, excessive wine, egg nog, and other sugary holiday beverages," Monica Auslander recommends.
Eat Roasted Potatoes Instead of Turkey Stuffing
"Stuffing is nothing more than a pile of croutons moistened with fat and loaded with sodium — double this number if it was cooked inside the bird, says Rene Ficek, registered dietitian and lead nutrition expert at Seattle Sutton's Healthy Eating. "Stuffing acts as sponge, soaking up all the butter or turkey fat it encounters. This is why the nutrition fact panels on the stuffing package are deceiving; they don't reflect the finished product with the soaked-up fat. Stick with roasted potatoes instead and save yourself the calorie equivalent of a third-pound of lean turkey! Add sage to your roasted potatoes to develop the same delicious flavor as the stuffing."
Employ Variety Strategically
"We tend to eat more when there is lots of variety to choose from," Monica Reinagel points out. "Luckily, this tendency can just as easily be turned into an advantage. Limit the chip selection to one or two. But when it comes to putting together the vegetable platter, don't stop with the usual carrots and celery. Pile on veggies of all different colors, shapes, textures, and flavors."
Enjoy Every Bite
Gisela Bouvier, dietitian and owner of B Nutrition and Wellness LLC, says, "Eating slowly can help increase satiety and help connect your brain to your hunger cues." So savor every bite of that stuffing, turkey, and sweet potato casserole.
Find a Comfortable Chair
"When you do take a seat at the table, select a chair as comfortable as possible," suggests Lisa D. Ellis, nutritionist and dietitian practicing in New York City. "Sit where you have a nice view, and choose a spot that puts you with pleasant and positive people as dining companions." This social interaction will distract you from grabbing another helping, and also keep your mouth occupied.
Forget Second Helpings
"Fill your plate once, and save the rest for the next day," advises Kathleen Zelman, dietitian and director of nutrition for WebMD. Your future-self will be grateful.
Go for a Morning Run
Go for a Thanksgiving morning jog. "Many communities have Thanksgiving runs in the morning before the big meal," says Scott M. Schreiber, a chiropractic physician in Newark, New Jersey. Running in the morning will boost your metabolism throughout the day. It will also make you less hungry and more motivated to eat well."
Indulge in Moderation
"Thanksgiving is a time to enjoy, so if your Aunt Sally's decadent sweet potato casserole shows up once a year, go ahead and enjoy it, but keep the portion small and make sure you eat light earlier in the day and get in a good workout," Kathleen Zelman says.
Keep Your Focus on the Event
Remember why you are celebrating the holiday, and think less about the food. "Try listing at least three things you're thankful for before you even take a seat at the table," Lisa Ellis notes.
Make a Soup Swap
Rebecca Clyde, dietitian and natural food blogger, recommends adding a steamed potato to your creamy soup instead of adding cream. "It'll add that desirable silky texture without all the fat from cream," she notes.
Make Room for New Dishes
The Thanksgiving classics — buttery mashed potatoes, basted stuffing, sweet potato casserole — don't have to be the only dishes on your dinner table. "The holiday is the perfect place to showcase some seasonal produce too," Emily Braaten says. "Fruits and vegetable sides are the perfect way to offset some of those other calorie-dense foods."
Offer to Bring a Healthy Dish
Offer to bring a healthy dish; not only are you guaranteed to have something healthy to eat, but the host will appreciate your help, recommends Rebecca Lewis, in-house dietitian at HelloFresh.
Practice Mindful Eating
"Pay attention to what you select to eat," says Jennifer Glockner, registered dietitian and creator of Teddy Tries a Veggie, a nutrition e-book series for kids. Create a "smart plate" of half fruits and vegetables, a quarter lean protein, and a quarter whole grains, she says.
Save the Cooking Water When Boiling Potatoes
"The starchy water will give the potatoes a creamier texture than plain water would," Rebecca Lewis says. "You can also add turkey or chicken broth, evaporated skim milk, or fat-free sour cream instead of loading up the potatoes with butter and cream."
Survey the Whole Table
Julia Levine, a registered, licensed dietitian in both Missouri and Illinois, proposes, "Instead of over-indulging in the first things you see, take a moment to check out all of the options available first." Start by filling up on vegetables and protein first, she says; you'll feel good about your meal and still have room for a slice of that decadent pumpkin pie.
Wait at Least a Half Hour Between Dinner and Dessert
"Your brain will have to time to get the message to your stomach that you are full, and you won't eat as much dessert (or any)," Felicia Stoler points out.
When It Comes to Dessert, Stick to the 3-Bite Rule
"The first bite is the best, the last is the last, and every bite in the middle is the same," says Lauren Harris-Pincus, dietitian and owner of NutritionStarringYOU.com. "Since you are likely full by this point anyway, slowly savor those three bites and you will save a ton of unnecessary calories."
Work a New Strategy at the Holiday Dinner Table
"Instead of sitting down and gobbling everything up on your plate, talk to people at the table to slow down your eating...," says Dr. Lisa Davis, chief nutrition officer for Terra's Kitchen. "Push away from the table when you are done and offer to clean up the plates. You'll be less tempted to graze and will make someone very happy!"