Have Your Ice Cream, Eat The Packaging, Too
WikiCell's controversial inhalable caffeine Aeroshot might be spurned here in the states, but the European food lab is working on something that should probably be accepted everywhere.
The Wall Street Journal reports that the design company has developed edible packaging for ice cream and cocktails, receiving $10 million in venture funding. The product, which was inspired by food with edible, washable skin, is slated to hit the market next year.
"We've gotten positive reactions on the gazpacho and pumpkin soup," WikiCell Designs co-founder and chief executive Robert Connelly told Dow Jones. The edible packaging, made from cations like calcium and algae, are infused with other food particles to create flavors. So ice creams? "You can build a sundae into the skin, with coconut, mango and chocolate," Connelly said. Sounds a bit like what molelcular gastronomy does.
The team has reportedly worked the most with yogurts and ice cream, so expect fruity mochi-ice-cream-like packages to hit the stores first, followed then by soups, cocktails, and more. And while we have yet to think about what the sanitation of these foods will be like, we can only hope this will reduce landfill waste.