Grown-Up Versions Of Childhood Favorites
My daughter is a good eater, but she doesn't always eat what we like. However, I don't mind that she likes plain tomato soup (no green stuff, please!), regular macaroni and cheese, and basic breaded chicken. I was young once, too, and clearly remember how much I liked sticking to the tried and true.
Click Here to See Grown-Up Versions of Childhood Favorites
Now that I am the parent, however, I prefer to enjoy the grown-up versions of my childhood favorites, amping it up in flavor and style. I've banished bland chicken soup forever in favor of a spicier version, and prefer a healthier interpretation of macaroni and cheese. When I eat anything with chocolate, I prefer to add a shot of coffee into it to make whatever recipe into a mocha. Click through our slideshow for some delicious grown-up versions of my childhood favorites. Who knows, maybe the kids will eat them, too (sans the caffeine, obviously).
— The Naptime Chef, Babble