Grilling Tips From Essential New York Times Grilling Cookbook Author To Get You Through Labor Day Weekend

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Peter Kaminsky is an award-winning chef and the author of The Essential New York Times Grilling Cookbook, which compiles the best recipes and tips from the past 100 years of New York Times articles—meaning that he certainly knows how to get the most from a barbeque. Lucky for us, he was kind enough to share some of his most valuable grilling tips so we can rule Labor Day weekend BBQ scene. Ever wondered why you should be using charcoal or pondered over the importance of using a thermometer instead of winging it? He's got your answers, as well as some upcoming recipes that showcase his advice—they're also designed to be paired with Terrazas des los Andes wines, which go well with smoky, charred flavors.

"Successful Grilling is about the combination of the best ingredients and the right technique to create flavor," says Kaminsky.

Check out Peter's grilling tips below and then check back later in the week to put them into practice with his trio of grilling recipes for Pork Pimenton Sliders with Bacon Jam, Double Cut Pork Chops with Malbec Marmalade, and Grilled Whole Fish with Lemon and Tarragon.