Google Extension Provides New York Dept. Of Health Grades
While the Department of Health's grading system for restaurants may not be the most popular, many can agree that they'd rather order take out from an "A" restaurant than a "C". And don't even think about that "Grade Pending."
Walking by an eatery's window and checking out their letter grade can often inform you about their hygenic standards (though, what's really in a point difference between an A and a B?). But when you're making reservations online, or ordering for your night in, how can you be sure the kitchen tongs aren't brushing against dirty towels at your local dumpling spot?
Thanks to a new Google Chrome extension, you can now see real time updates on New York City restaurants' DOH letter-grades, which is even more informative than the printed out window signs. The app works on food websites like Yelp, Seamless, MenuPages, and more, informing you of the restaurant's letter grade, when its last inspection was, and how many points the venue received. Like in golf, you want the score to be low.
The DOH's restaurant inspection system is far from perfect, but this helpful new app allows you to chose restaurants not only based on menu and social media star-rating, but also by cleanliness. So you don't have to be surprised when you arrive at that constantly Yelped about burger joint that has a bright orange C in the window!