Get Inspired And Sign Up For The Recipe Of The Day Newsletter
One of the biggest roadblocks for cooks, even the professional ones, is figuring out what to make for dinner. Whether it's too little or too many ideas, sometimes it's hard to narrow down your choices and make a firm decision on what you want to cook that evening. With Thanksgiving in our rearview mirror, some of us are feeling strung out from all of the cooking and a little uninspired.
The Daily Meal understands those issues, as many of our editors have trouble deciding on a recipe out of the hundreds and thousands that are available to us, and that's why we created The Recipe of the Day Newsletter. The newsletter, which is sent out daily and delivered straight to your inbox, features our pick for the recipe of the day, and offers shopping and cooking tips, as well as other suggestions for recipes that would go along with the one featured.
The recipes are picked entirely with you in mind. Monday through Thursday, we feature recipes that are fast, simple, and healthy – they're the perfect and easy meal that will help you get through the week. Over the weekend, you'll see more involved recipes, ones that'll stretch your culinary legs and encourage you to spend your weekend experimenting with new and innovative cooking techniques. Picked based on quality, timeliness, and seasonality, each and every recipe of the day is hand chosen by the Cook editors specifically for you. The recipes will help you get out of your dinner conundrums and encourage you to get into the kitchen and cook.
Sign up for our newsletter today to get inspired.
Anne Dolce is the Cook Editor at The Daily Meal. Follow her on Twitter @anniecdolce