Flavor Flav Promotes Fried Chicken Restaurant On Airplane Loudspeaker
Most celebrities hide behind big sunglasses and hats, use aliases, and retreat to V.I.P lounges to avoid being spotted (and harassed) in airports. But Flavor Flav isn't the average celebrity.
On a Southwest Airlines flight from Burbank, Calif., to Las Vegas, the always-ridiculous Flav hopped on the loudspeaker to deliver some first-class announcements. He thanked the flight attendants for their service and in response, the passengers applauded, whistled, and cheered. Then the pilots got a shout out.
Finally, the personal plug: "Hey yo check this out," Flavor Flav told the crowd. "Just to let ya'll know that I do have a restaurant. It's called Flavor Flav's House of Flavor." The passengers erupted in laughter, but Flavor Flav wasn't making a joke.
He continued to list items off the menu at his takeout-only restaurant, from collard greens to coleslaw to Flav's famous fried chicken.
House of Flavor just opened in March at 3333 South Maryland Parkway in Las Vegas. Although it reportedly has slow service and some ironically flavorless dishes, Las Vegas visitors come in swarms. Customer favorites include the crispy fried chicken and red velvet waffles, but the biggest appeal is the chance to meet Flavor Flav himself, who often stops by to check up on business.
The passengers of this Southwest flight, however, might not need to stop by for the mediocre soul food; they had a true taste of Flavor Flav's absurdity even before touching ground.
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