But First, Let Me Take a...Toastie?

Photo courtesy of Galen Dively

Photo courtesy of Galen Dively

Once uploaded to the site, the photo is retouched in Photoshop to clean up the lines and simplify the image. Then, the image is cut out in the metal templates by The GoTorch, a tool powered by compressed air and electricity. If the plate looks good, the GoTorch cuts the second one (because you can't just have one piece of toastie, obviously.) Each template is inserted into the specially made toaster and shipped off to your doorstep so you can show all your friends how committed you are to the fame of your own face.

The image of your face will then be burned onto your toast for the world to see.

Photo courtesy of Galen Dively

Photo courtesy of Galen Dively

All this toast talk leave you hungry? Check out these awesome breakfast eats:


The post But First, Let Me Take a...Toastie? appeared first on Spoon University.